We are an employment agency – we help employers find employees with the necessary skills that meet the requirements of their company. We also support employees by helping them find reliable, trustworthy employers and help legalize their stay in one place or another. Our long-standing experience and knowledge of the needs of the labor market enable us to act efficiently and responsibly with a minimum of formalities.

For the employeer


Anzhelika Bohdanova


Rymma Bozhko


Anastasiia Stoian


Viktoriya Bolshakova


Hanna Sivokha

Employee Ombudsman

W ramach United wiemy, że za sukcesem stoi zadowolenie zarówno pracodawców, jak i pracowników. Dlatego powołaliśmy stanowisko rzecznika do spraw pracowniczych, którego rolą jest dbanie o interesy pracowników, rozpatrywanie ewentualnych skarg, mediacja w sytuacjach spornych, dbanie o relacje
i budowanie ich, a także codzienne udzielanie informacji czy porad.


Robert Jesiołowski

Dyrektor Operacyjny w UNITED koordynujący procesy finansowe, operacyjne, administracyjne oraz organizacyjne

Dmytro Lagovskyy

Kierownik koordynatorów


Kinga Turno

I started my co-operation with the temporary employment agency UNITED 2 years ago as a warehouse worker on one of the projects. After some time I was promoted to the position of process trainer and then team leader. Apart from looking after the team entrusted to me, I was actively involved in agency work and was also an assistant to our main coordinator. My dedication was appreciated - after my warehouse contract ended, I was offered a promotion within UNITED to the position of Project Coordinator. I now work in the Poznan office and my duties include signing contracts with employees. I also provide them with convenient transport to work and support them with their tasks. Working at UNITED allowed me to fulfil my professional potential and was an opportunity for further training, so I have a chance to develop my competences at the next career levels in our company.""" Praca w UNITED zaowocowała możliwością odkrywania mojego potencjału zawodowego i stała się okazją do dalszej nauki, dzięki której mam szansę rozwijać swoje kompetencje na kolejnych szczeblach kariery w naszej firmie.

Apply for recruitment!

Current vacancies:

Do you have experience working as a regional manager for an employment agency or as a new business/seller?

You are running your own projects and want to start collaborating with a fast-growing agency

We build career paths for our employees

We provide professional development for our employees – from warehouse worker to process trainer or team leader. We also conduct internal recruitment, which allows you to move to another project or work as our coordinator. We train all employees in occupational health and safety and ensure they undergo medical examinations. Some employees also receive emergency medical care training.

Our employees benefit from:
– Medicover Sport
– guaranteed hostels
– LUX MED package”
Nasi pracownicy korzystają z:
– Medicover Sport
– zagwarantowanych hosteli
– pakietu LUX MED

Occupational Health and Safety Training

First aid training

Training on team management

Training on team management

Legal training


Smallest turnover in the market

Why do we have the lowest employee turnover in the market? Because we know that employee safety
and employee comfort is key to building long-term relationships. We provide housing in upscale staff dormitories.


We realize comfortable and safe employee transportation

We provide employees with a comfortable journey to their place of work. We carry out transport across the country using a modern fleet of vehicles.


ul. Półwiejska 17/16
61-885 Poznań


ul. Walecznych 61 U1
03-922 Warszawa

Przeprowadzimy rekrutację zespołów pracowników o odpowiednich kwalifikacjach w oparciu o Twoje wytyczne i potrzeby firmy. Rekrutujemy zespoły od 10 pracowników na terenie Polski.


1. Określ liczebność potrzebnego zespołu

2. Uzupełnij swoje dane

Aplikujesz na praca magazynowa

Aplikujesz na praca w firmie sprzątającej

Aplikujesz na praca na chłodni

Aplikujesz na praca na sortowni

Aplikujesz na trener procesu / team lider

Aplikujesz na pracownik medyczny

Aplikujesz na pomoc medyczna

Aplikujesz na pracownik budowlany

Aplikujesz na opiekunka do dzieci

Aplikujesz na opiekunka dla osób starszych

We will select a team of employees with appropriate qualifications based on your references and company needs. We recruit teams from 10 employees in Poland.


1. Determine the size of the team you need

2. Fill in your details