We are an employment agency - we help employers find employees with the necessary skills that meet the requirements of their company. We also support employees by helping them find reliable, trustworthy employers and help legalize their stay in one place or another. Our long-standing experience and knowledge of the needs of the labor market enable us to act efficiently and responsibly with a minimum of formalities.
More details
We are an employment agency - we help employers find employees with the necessary skills that meet the requirements of their company. We also support employees by helping them find reliable, trustworthy employers and help legalize their stay in one place or another. Our long-standing experience and knowledge of the needs of the labor market enable us to act efficiently and responsibly with a minimum of formalities.
We are an employment agency - we help employers find employees with the necessary skills that meet the requirements of their company. We also support employees by helping them find reliable, trustworthy employers and help legalize their stay in one place or another. Our long-standing experience and knowledge of the needs of the labor market enable us to act efficiently and responsibly with a minimum of formalities.

We are an employment agency – we help employers find employees with the necessary skills that meet the requirements of their company. We also support employees by helping them find reliable, trustworthy employers and help legalize their stay in one place or another. Our long-standing experience and knowledge of the needs of the labor market enable us to act efficiently and responsibly with a minimum of formalities.

For the employeer

About United

Comprehensive offers in the field of employment

We know the problems of the labor market in Poland and know how to respond to them, therefore we effectively search for employees of various qualifications. We ensure a smooth recruitment process combined with effective legalization of the stay of foreigners. Our team’s experience and attractive offer allow entrepreneurs to maintain business continuity thanks to loyal employees.

Our recruitment offer is addressed to business owners
and companies operating in Poland. We recruit not only implementation staff, but also team managers who ensure effective contact between the employer.
and employees.

Legal security

Experienced recruiters

Transparent reporting

Competent team leaders


We know how to recruit employees!

Our portfolio includes many successfully implemented projects. We strive for the lowest turnover rate in the market, believing that employment issues are not only about professional satisfaction, but above all about loyalty, competence and good relationships.

Employee leasing based on proven know-how in the field of personnel selection

24h  – this is how long it will take us to deliver the offer
48h – that’s exactly how long we need to deliver employees to Poland
72h – that’s how long we need to provide employees in Europe


Based on information from our clients, we will comprehensively handle the recruitment, selection and hiring of employees. based on the specific needs of companies.

Employee benefits

We take care of our employees by providing them with, among other things: private medical care, accommodation and transportation.

Reliable reporting

We work based on effective methods for monitoring, reporting and optimizing the work of implementation teams.

Legal security

We care about the safety of both our clients and employees by offering comprehensive support in legal matters related to employment.


What can we do for your business?

We professionally recruit employees from Poland, Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa. We take on all responsibilities related to the recruitment process, searching for candidates and selecting them. We respect your time, so we work comprehensively, offering rental teams of employees and taking responsibility for effective personnel selection.i przejmując od Ciebie obowiązek przeprowadzenia skutecznej rekrutacji.


We are proud of our achievements and are constantly expanding our competencies to best meet the needs of employers!

More than 90% of employees use the LUX MED package
Medicover Sport package is used by

more than 70% of employees

more than 30% of employees undergo Polish language training”

more than

permanent employees
years of business experience
cars in the park
specialized hostels

Our staff

Nasza kadra pracownicza

We provide effective support to your company by recruiting personnel for various positions. We also support employees by helping them obtain the necessary qualifications and certifications and by offering opportunities to participate in the training needed to improve their skills.

Robert Jesiołowski

Chief Operating Officer at UNITED coordinating financial, operational, administrative, and organizational processes.

Agata Sadowska

Employee Advocate

Tel. 513 133 057

At United, we know that satisfaction of both employers and employees is the key to success. That is why we have established the role of the Employee Advocate, whose responsibilities include safeguarding employees’ businesses, addressing complaints, mediating disputes, fostering relationships and providing daily information or advice.

Mariola Delińska

Sales manager

+48 797 579 140 mariola.delinska@unitedbrands.com.pl

Serhii Pashkevych


Oleg Sukhar


Alina Kachan


Andrii Yevdokimov


Viktor Paladi



Your employees are our expert support!

– we use the potential of international recruiters
— we work based on all available platforms, databases and effective communication
“We have a strong reputation, so we can count on mutual referral programs among current and former employees.


Lowest turnover on the market

Why do we have the lowest turnover on the market? We know how important the comfort of the people we work for is! We offer high-quality employee dormitories and also provide transportation for employees.


ul. Półwiejska 17/16
61-885 Poznań


ul. Walecznych 61 U1
03-922 Warszawa


Free consultation

Have questions? Want to learn more about how we recruit for companies? We are here to help you! Take advantage of a free consultation,
and one of our specialists will contact you shortly!

ul. Walecznych 61 U1
03-922 Warszawa

ul. Półwiejska 17/16
61-885 Poznań


Przeprowadzimy rekrutację zespołów pracowników o odpowiednich kwalifikacjach w oparciu o Twoje wytyczne i potrzeby firmy. Rekrutujemy zespoły od 10 pracowników na terenie Polski.


1. Określ liczebność potrzebnego zespołu

2. Uzupełnij swoje dane

We will select a team of employees with appropriate qualifications based on your references and company needs. We recruit teams from 10 employees in Poland.


1. Determine the size of the team you need

2. Fill in your details